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AWV | Afrika Wiederaufforstungsverein e.V.
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Frohschamerstrasse 14 | 80807 München
0811 - 99 86 977 | 089 - 356 97 32
www.afrikawv.com | info@afrikawv.com
© by 2004 - 2008 AWV | Afrika Wiederaufforstungsverein e.V.


Our projects in detail: Aburi

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This is a part of our new English translated website,
translated by Rynya Kollias, who is a poet: www.rynya.de

Picturegalery of the Aburi Project:

  Donate for this Project

Here a rain water pool (dam) was constructed in the year 2005.
At present a self-help-group of young unemployed people are supported
in reforestation matters near the small town Aburi.


© by 2004 - 2008 AWV | Afrika Wiederaufforstungsverein e.V. | info@afrikawv.com