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Bush burning
- playing with fire

Saturday, the 18.01.2025 The Time is: 7.05.19 Now are 0 User online
This is a part of our new English translated website,
translated by Rynya Kollias, who is a poet: www.rynya.de

The small farmers of the forest regions in Africa often
attain new agricultural areas by bush burning.
Parts of the nutrients therefore get destroyed by the fire.
The remaining nutrients in the soil and ashes are washed
out by the strong rainfalls during the rain period.
Due to the fact that the fruits of the earth can only detain
nutrients for a short period of time, good yields can only be
expected for a short number of years.
As the yields decrease, the farmers move onto a further forest
area and burn down trees for more agricultural land.
What remains, is a soil with only very few nutrients.
On these areas only secondary vegetation will grow slowly.